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First name:Cameron
Last name:Callbeck
Thesis Subject:
Biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen in oxygen minimum zones.
Ph. D. Biogeochemistry Department, MarMic program for Marine Microbiology. Max Planck Institute, Bremen, Germany.
Thesis Project: Biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen in oxygen minimum zones.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marcel Kuypers
M.Sc. Department of Biological Sciences. University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Thesis Project: Souring control by nitrate and biocides in up-flow bioreactors simulating oil reservoirs.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gerrit Voordouw
B.Sc. (Honours). Department of Biological Sciences. University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Major: Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology
Honour’s thesis project: Modelling a souring reservoir in an up-flow bioreactor.
Scientific Interests and Goals:
Environmental microbiology, petroleum microbiology, bioremediation, biodegradation, biotechnology, microbial ecology and physiology
Selected Publications:
Callbeck, C.M., Akhil A., and Voordouw, G. 2013. Acetate production from oil under sulphate-reducing conditions in bioreactors injected with sulfate and nitrate. Applied Environmental Microbiology. Accepted 10.1128/AEM.01251-13.

Callbeck, C.M., Sherry A., Hubert C.R.J., Gray, N.D., Voordouw G. and Head I.M. 2013. Improving PCR efficiency for accurate quantification of 16S rRNA genes. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 93:148-152.

Callbeck, C.M., Dong, X., Chatterjee,I., Akhil A., Caffrey,S.M., Sensen, C.S., and Voordouw, G. 2011. Microbial community succession in a bioreactor modeling a souring low-temperature oil reservoir subjected to nitrate injection. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 91:799-810.

Gray, N.D., Sherry, A., Grant, R. J., Rowan, A.K., Hubert, C.R.J., Callbeck, C.M., Aitken, C.M., Jones, D.M., Adams, J.J., Larter, S.R., and Head I.M. 2011. The quantitative significance of Syntrophaceae and syntrophic partnerships in methanogenic degradation of crude oil alkanes. Environmental Microbiology. 13:2957-2975.