MarMic Program
MarMic offers a combined M.Sc./Ph.D. program with the first year consisting of theoretical and practical training with lectures, tutorials, practical courses, laboratory rotations, and seminars. After the first year, the majority of MarMic students enters the Ph.D. program and graduates with a Ph.D. thesis within 3 years. A Master’s of Science (M.Sc.) degree is available to those students that do not qualify for the Ph.D. program, or for Ph.D. students that wish to gain a M.Sc. degree. Students in the Ph.D. program are supervised by a thesis committee that meets at least twice a year to discuss the progress of their research. Ph.D. students participate in seminars, workshops, summer schools, and a yearly retreat with international scientists. Exchange programs with universities in foreign countries are available for 6-12 month research visits. The school language is English.
First Year – Master of Science
The first year of the training program runs continuously from September until July of the following year with short breaks in December and in April. It combines intensive practical training in the research laboratories of the participating faculty with intensive theoretical training.Throughout the first year, current topics in marine microbiology are taught by internationally renowned scientists in a comprehensive lecture series. Lecture topics are discussed in tutorials. During methods courses students learn fundamental techniques applied in current research and meet members of participating research groups. Subsequently, students carry out three independent research projects (laboratory rotations) of two months each in participating laboratories. Results of these projects are presented and discussed during a minisymposium.

Click here for the detailed Curriculum 2024/25
MarMic - Examination regulations:
- General Master regulations of the University of Bremen
- Specific regulations for the MSc in Marine Microbiology (MarMic)
- Additional links of the University of Bremen