Application and Admission
Next Deadline: Applications for 2026 are accepted until
February 28th, 2026
The M.Sc. program starts in October each year. The beginning of the Ph.D. program is flexible. Who can apply?
The program is intended for students holding a first degree (B.Sc. or equivalent) in microbiology, biochemistry, marine biology, oceanography, chemistry, molecular biology, geology, biogeochemistry, bioinformatics or related fields. Since knowledge in basic microbiology and biochemistry is a prerequisite for a successful completion of the program, students lacking training in these fields are urged to use the time between application and arrival in Bremen to gain knowledge in these fields by looking at courses available in the internet.Applications will be considered even if the degree is not conferred until summer / fall of the year of application. The program is open for both domestic and foreign students. Students from universities that do not offer B.Sc. degrees may also qualify if their training is equivalent (e.g. German students with a Vordiplom and one additional year of advanced courses).
Exceptionally qualified students can begin research for their Ph. D. thesis immediately, provided they have a M.Sc. or a Diplom / Staatsexamen.