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First name:Ilaria
Last name:Pizzetti
Thesis Subject:
Diversity and function of marine (planktonic) Planctomycetes.
Classical Studies High School, T. Lucrezio Caro, Rome, Italy.
University course in Biology, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Rome, Italy.
- 2001/2002
Erasmus Project (Madrid - Spain), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de CC. Biologicas.
- 2003/2005
Diploma student at the Water Research Institute (IRSA) - National Research Council (CNR)for the preparation of the experimental thesis under the supervision of Dr. S. Fazi and Prof. G. Gibertini.
University Degree in Biology (Laurea). Title of dissertation: “Microbial community in temporary rivers: relationship between bacterial diversity and sediment characteristic”.
Post-graduate research project. Participation to experiments for the analysis of bacterial community during rewetting of dry river sediments in collaboration with researcher from MPI.
Scientific Interests and Goals:
Aquatic microbial ecology.
My PhD research aims to identify and to better understand the diversity and function of Planctomycetes in coastal marine waters.

- Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH) with fluorescently monolabeled probes
- FISH with signal amplification by Catalyzed Reporter Deposition (CARD- FISH)
- Analytical method for chemical characterization of sediment
- Bacteria extraction from sediments through Nycodenz purification
- Bacterial cell abundance by epifluorescence microscopy
- Flow Cytometry
- Sequencing and cloning
- Developing new probes for Planctomycetes

Selected Publications:
Fazi S., S. Amalfitano, I. Pizzetti, J. Pernthaler, 2007. Efficiency of fluorescence in situ hybridization for bacterial cell identification in temporary river sediments with contrasting water content. Syst Appl Microbiol 30(6): 463-470.