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First name:Gerdhard
Last name:Jessen Reyes
Thesis Subject:
Structural and functional changes in marine microbial communities associated with oxygen dynamics
Marine Biologist, Catholic University of Concepcion (Chile)
M.Sc. (Oceanography), University of Concepcion (Chile)
since 2011
MarMic PhD student
Scientific Interests and Goals:
My main interest it is related on how microorganisms reacts to environmental fluctuations at different levels of organization from single cells to communities, the adaptation to those driving forces, and the shifts in their diversity, composition and abundance. I am interested in the role of microbes in the biogeochemical cycles, with focus on hypoxic environments, their structural and functional changes as well as resistance, and resilience of the communities, exploring microbial diversity patterns and it response to the environment at different scales of space and time and how the microbial assemblages controls the fluxes of matter and energy trough the ecosystem.
Selected Publications:
Salman V, Amann R, Girnth A-C, Polerecky L, Bailey J, Høgslund S, Jessen GL, Pantoja S, Schulz-Vogt HN. (2011) A single-cell sequencing approach to the classification of large, vacuolated sulfur bacteria. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 34, 243-259.

Sellanes, J., Zapata-Hernández, G., Pantoja, S., Jessen, G.L. (2011). Chemosynthetic trophic support for the benthic community at an intertidal cold seep site at Mocha Island off central Chile. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 95, 431-439.

Jessen GL, Pantoja S, Gutierrez MA, Quinones RA, Gonzalez RR, Sellanes J, Kellermann MY, K-U Hinrichs (2011). Methane in shallow cold seeps at Mocha Island off central Chile, Continental Shelf Research 3, 574–581.

Jessen GL, Quiñones RA, González RR (2009). Aerobic and anaerobic enzymatic activity and allometric scaling of the deep benthic polychaete Hyalinoecia artifex (Polychaeta: Onuphidae) Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 89, 1171-1175.

Quiroga E, Quiñones RA, González RR, Gallardo VA, Jessen GL (2007). Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism of Paraprionospio pinnata (Polychaeta: Spionidae) in central Chile. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 87, 459–463.